27 November 2010

New Age Fun With a Vintage Feel!

I haven't done this thing for ages, so in theory I should have a lot to talk about, but I really don't.

Firstly - a shameless plug for my new radio show. The Thursday Night Show, every Thursday at 7pm on www.burnfm.com. We have a facebook group and our own show page. Check us out.

The only other thing I really want to mention is this. I was at a party the other night and I was trying to make friendly conversation with some people I'd just met. However, after about 3 or 4 minutes of trying to converse, I got the impression they just weren't interested in anything I had to say (this was either because I genuinely had nothing interesting to say or because I was very very drunk) so I just kind of wandered off. However, I think looking back these kids were just a bit too cool for school. You know what I'm on about, the whole why is life so hard look when smoking a rizla or the I can't speak any quicker than about 4 words a minute in a really depressing tone vibe. Yeah, this song is for you and it's complete and utter genius. I'm not a massive fan of deck shoes with no socks or 3D glasses with no lenses to be honest, although maybe I'm just jealous I can't grow a moustache.