4 October 2009

Second year thoughts

I am truly back at University now. Various signs have shown that second year is under way, the always awkward conversation in passing with people you don't really know, but should say hi to, a disease infested kitchen and the daily pint down at the pub. University life cannot be beaten. I will miss the days of waking up whenever you feel like it, except on Thursdays when I've got a 9am lecture, and just the freedom and independence. Of course I'd love to think the seminars and the lectures are the main reason I'm at University, but to be perfectly honest that's just not true. University is not a means to an end, it's all about the journey and I believe I will progress in life from experiences and learning how the world works rather than my ability to write an essay on Methodology. Depending on your perspective this is either incredibly insightful, or incredibly stupid. I think it's somewhere between the two. The University life is all about Scream Burgers and a beer for £5.75, playing football 3 times a week, staying up far to late and trying to change the world through a music blog. Hmmm. And it's these things I'll miss in 2 years.

In other news I will be presenting "The Sound Avenue - Live" on the University's student radio station - Burn FM. I guess it's pretty ironic to all those people who said I had a face for radio. It will mainly focus on the music which I discuss in this blog - punk, rock, indie and alternative. I've been sitting with my laptop, shuffling through iTunes and attempting to introduce songs and make links between tracks to an imaginary audience, cue very strange looks from a housemate's parent as they moved his stuff in. The show will take place on Thursday's at 10pm and will just involve me and a few mates playing some good music and discussing witty anecdotes about our ever-so interesting lives. Original hey. Anyway we went into the studio to learn a bit about producing and it looks pretty cool. I now know what beds and stings are within the medium radio production as well. Along with football, going out and pub quizes, it should provide enough activity for me to avoid actually doing a degree. The last few days I've been assembling track lists, editing beds and frantically trying to censor all the songs I wish to play as the Guild forbid any form of bad language or slander.

Anyway on with Kripke. I'd better just check Facebook first though.

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